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ADSL Connectivity & Website Hosting Services
Status for Internet Group SA Clients

  • IMPORTANT! The ADSL Connectivity and Website Hosting Services Status indicated on this page is only applicable to the Clients of The Internet Group SA. This means you may be using our Cloud Hosting Servers and/or a Telkom ADSL Line. Should you be experiencing issues with these services and they are not indicated on this page, please call our office on 083.215.9373 for information.

» Most Recent Issues:

» Previous Issues:

  • ADSL Issues:
    • 2015.10.16 - 14:00: This issue has been resolved and continues to be monitored. Please refer back to this page for updates.
      2015.10.16 - 09:45: Extremely slow ADSL and Mobile Data speeds are being experienced across South Africa. The issue is receiving high prioroty attention in order to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

      2015.10.16 - 14:00: This issue has been resolved!
      2014.11.24 - 10:30: Very slow ADSL speeds are being experienced in the Northern, Eastern and Southern Regions. The cause of these slow speeds has now been isolated, and solutions are being applied presently. Please note, however, unforeseen incidences of this issue may continue sporadically. Technicians continue to monitor and investigate the situation. Be assured, though, steady progress is being made and services should be fully restored soon.

      2014.10.17 - 11:49: Please note that this issue is still pending and being monitored! Speeds may be slow, however, latency appears to be stable. Engineers are in the process of upgrading ADSL systems and this is anticipated to be completed soon.
      2014.09.30 - 15:05: The Johannesburg, Pretoria and surrounding areas are being affected by increased DSL demand. The effect is a diminished speed on DSL connections. Engineers are applying the necessary steps to improve the situation.

      2014.09.23 - 10:40: A team of Network Engineers have resolved the issue by adjusting traffic management systems. Traffic demand also appears to have stabilized. Overall performance should continue to improve over time.
      2014.09.18 - 11:57: There appears to be abnormally high ADSL demand throughout South Africa. Even though traffic requirements remain high, adjustments are being made where necessary in order to optimise the ADSL Network. The situation will be monitored until resolved.

      2014.08.06 - 13:33: It appears that normal authentication is taking place on both Mobile and ADSL Networks at present. Should you still experience issues, please reboot routers and other connectivity devices (Mobile, etc.) - this should resolve any problems you may be experiencing. Engineers continue to monitor these issues at this time.
      2014.08.06 - 08:00: Some of our Clients are unable to authenticate New Sessions on the ADSL as well as Mobile Networks. These issues are being investigated at this time. Should you not be experiencing an outage, please remain connected, since disconnecting and then reconnecting may disable connectivity temporarily until such time as and when the issues are resolved. Further occurences are being monitored.

      2014.06.09 - 11:44: Increased ADSL Latency issues have affected areas in the North (Gauteng and surrounding regions). The issue has now been resolved. Further occurences will be monitored.

      2014.05.12 - 17:00: An increased ADSL Latency issue affecting areas in the North (Gauteng and surrounding regions), has been resolved and repaired. Monitoring will continue in order to prevent further issues

      2014.04.08 - 10:54: ADSL Services in previously affected areas have been restored. The network will, however, continue to be monitored for issues.

      2014.04.07 - 15:25: Confirmation has been received that ADSL latency has been caused by a Technical Error. Telkom is investigating the issue and service should be restored in due time.
      2014.04.07 - 14:00: There appears to be a High Latency with some Packet Loss in the Johannesburg, Pretoria and surrounding areas. Please check back regularly to view the latest updated information regarding further notifications about this issue!
  • Hosting Issues:
    • 2015.05.11 - 09:30: Issue is now resolved.
      2015.05.06 - 13:07: Hosting & eMail Download Outages: There have been random hosting outages at our Data Centre since Sunday evening, 3rd May, 2015. This has affected the rendering of websites and the authentication of eMail accounts. Although the majority of hosting has been restored, engineers continue to monitor the situation and are endeavouring to return hosting & eMail authentication to full service levels.

      2014.12.01 - 09:16: Issue is now resolved.
      2014.11.27 - 16:11: Re: eMail Sending Issues: Thank you for your patience during the past three days. Many of our Clients were unable to send eMails due to an SMTP Authentication issue.

      The Service Outage was caused by a Blacklisting at due to a Malware Infection on one of our Client websites. We now have definite information on how this infection occurred, and are applying security measures at present. Simultaneously, we continue to monitor eMail traffic.

      We urge all our clients to ensure that their Anti-Virus Software is up to date at all times. This can assist in the prevention of spreading Virus & Malware Infections to websites and computers. You can obtain AV Software from websites listed on our Resources Page here: Download Anti-Virus Software.

      Shoud you still be experiencing similar issues with the sending of your eMail, please do not hesitate to Contact Us Right Away!

      2014.10.29 - 11:15: This issue resolved.
      2014.10.16 - 10:39: Re: Hosting Outages: This issue has been resolved, yet it continues to be monitored in case of a re-occurrence.

      2014.10.12 - 10:00: Issue resolved.
      2014.10.07 - 17:30: Hosting Outages: There appears to be random hosting outages at our Data Centre. The majority of hosting has been restored. Engineers continue to monitor the issue and are endeavouring to return hosting to full service levels.

      2014.09.17 - 14:15: This issue has been resolved.
      2014.09.17 - 12:58: Intermittent Connectivity to our Servers: Notice to Hosting Clients: Intermittent connectivity to our Servers is being experienced at the Rosebank Data Centre. The issue is being investigated!

      2014.06.09 - Heartbleed OpenSSL Security Vulnerability: Hosting Clients, please note that a Security Patch has been applied to all our Servers which host your Website and eMail Accounts. This is in response to the latest Heartbleed OpenSSL Security vulnerability

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